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        Industry News

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        What is the solid oxide fuel cell?

        Update:2018/3/16 16:56:42 Hits:
        Speaking of the fuel cell, people often think of the TOYOTA Mirai with a hydrogen fuel cell, hydrogen does have many advantages, no pollution, high efficiency, but in the current level of technology under the preparation of hydrogen storage and transportation is inconvenient and difficult, so to promote the hydrogen fuel cell has a big problem. Do fuel cells have to use hydrogen? Not necessarily, Nissan has developed a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC), which uses bioethanol as a fuel instead of hydrogen.
        Using hydrogen as fuel for the proton exchange membrane fuel cell PEMFC is now the mainstream automotive fuel cell fuel cell, but not so narrow things, all through the electrochemical reaction rather than the internal combustion engine, the fuel consumption of electricity can be called fuel cell.
        The leading role of this article is the Nissan's e-Bio Fuel Cell biofuel cell, one of which is SOFC, which is used as power generation element. It can use multiple fuels, bypass the production of inconvenient hydrogen and use bio ethanol as fuel.
        How does Nissan's fuel cell system work? As shown in the graph, bio ethanol is stored in the vehicle fuel tank. It must have been heard that corn and other crops can be easily obtained.
        The mixture of bioethanol or bioethanol and water is transported to a device called a fuel reformer (Fuel Reformer), which is reformed to generate hydrogen. And then input into the SOFC reactor with the air to generate electricity. Electrical energy is transmitted to the battery and the battery drives the motor and drives the vehicle.
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